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Vision of Love

Updated: Jul 30, 2022

At the core of Akasha, just like in every other project, there is a seed. The seed of Akasha is a vision that grew out of Love. It is Love that drives us as a community to manifest this vision day by day.

Akasha manifests as a retreat center, academy and community. Our home, an old monastery located in the center of Europe, is easily accessible and ideal to support our multicultural community. We aim to embody our vision of universal love both throughout our retreats and courses on yoga, meditation and healing, as well as throughout the daily community living. We value the family feeling, that supports all of us into softening in the present moment. With our greatest teachers being silence and nature itself, we are offering a clean space where one can feel at home within the true Self. We want people to feel safe to feel any emotions and let their selves be seen as they are, in their divine perfection.

The collective imbalance

“How can I be  happy and contribute to the happiness of others? How can I be useful? How can I support those who are suffering? How can I serve?”

These are questions where Akasha became the answer to.

While many people on the planet these days are struggling to get food and shelter, here in the West we are experiencing quite a different struggle: a spiritual crisis. The lack of Self-awareness, Self-knowledge and devotion are at the roots of this crisis. The major consequences are high numbers of burn-outs, depressions, suicides, high levels of stress among many other mental, emotional and physical imbalances or illnesses. More than ever we observe a growing need to turn the attention inward and allow a change to happen, transforming fear into joy.

The medicine

We believe the solution to all these issues is not to  be found in a capsule, a doctor or even a therapist. It is nowhere out there. The solution is already inside of us. Sri Prem Baba says: “There is only one medicine: love.” If we could just take one moment of silence, one fully conscious in-and-out breath, we could tap into this loving being that is our true nature. Connecting to the love that is inside of us is the medicine for any problem, imbalance or pain in our lives.

“You are the Love you seek.”

Free translation from the Chandogya Upanishad

Our being doesn’t  lack anything. It’s the mind, stemming from the ego, that creates obstacles, problems and ideas about lack. In order to reconnect with our loving essence we should transform the ego and put it into service of love. In this process of transformation it is helpful to create beneficial surroundings: people that see and accept you for the unique being that you really are, a peaceful and quiet atmosphere and the possibility to connect with the forces of nature. It also requires a study of the Self, with support from people who are studying and living that path for a longer time. Lastly we believe it is our natural human need to share these values and this way of living with other like-minded people, and thus amplify the fruits of our spiritual practice. Uniting our joy, love and happiness is an amplification of all these qualities.

In this way we are not just offering solutions to so called problems, but as well creating the field to celebrate life, deepen the feeling of happiness, joy, union and bliss, and offering these fruits to the well-being of every living being.

Our values and their manifestation

Here we name what we value the most in Akasha as a retreat center, academy and community:

Honosty ❋  Listening  Silence   ❋   Being   ❋   Sharing   ❋   Laughter   ❋   Vulnerability      Trust   ❋   Purity   ❋   Health   ❋   Support  ❋   Love   ❋   Devotion

Nature   ❋     Knowledge  ❋  Ancient wisdom   ❋   Self-study  ❋  Daily spiritual practice     Interspirituality (read more about it here)

Our vision of Love grew out of the work from many sages and wise men and women from the past. Read here about our masters and their heritage. Read here about our continuation as an interspiritual community.

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