Mantra and Nada Yoga training
-the foundation-
A transformative journey into the Self
through mantra and sound meditation.
Listen deeply,
sing heartfully,
free your voice.
What are Mantra and Nada Yoga?
Yoga means union, melting our individuality with the cosmic Self.
Mantra is a tool (tra) to protect and free our conditioned mind (manas).
Nāda refers to the primordial sound, out of which everything originates.
Mantra & nāda yoga are a path of Union through sacred word and sound.
Because you are aware that Mantra and Vibration are an incredibly powerful support for healing, transforming, awakening to consciousness and opening your heart. You are aware of it all, and therefore you could definitely benefit from a clear roadmap and the proper tools to walk this path in a deep and genuine way. This is the goal of this training: to lay for you the foundations of a life-long sonic journey into the Self.
How may this training transform you?
From a committed completion of this training, we believe you’ll be able to:
Develop a personal mantra and sound practice that’s stable, centered and effective.
Commit to a transformative path of objective and compassionate self-study.
Cultivate a serene trust and devotion in life and its unfoldments.
Throughout this intensive foundational training we will be covering a wide variety of essential topics and practices for helping you develop the proper foundations of an effective and genuine Mantra and Nāda Yoga personal practice.
Deep listening meditation:
Discovering and aligning to the vibrational foundations of the universe through external and internal listening. The witness consciousness.
Sanskrit, the anatomy and physiology of mantra:
In-depth study of the Sanskrit alphabet phonetics following the IAST (International Alphabet for Sanskrit Transliteration), tapping into the secrets of its 50 phonemes as the core seed (bīja) mantras.
Types of Mantras and the building of a Mantra Repertoire:
Fundamental nāma (name) and bīja (seed) mantras for japa (loop repetition).
Kirtan, devotional group singing.
Selection of some important sūtras and sacred scripture verses.
Introduction to the gurmukhi sikh mantra tradition: the mūl mantra.
Instruments and tools to accompany the practice of mantra:
Traditional (tanpura, shruti box, bell, drum…) and non-traditional (handpan, guitar, kalimba…) instruments and their use in mantra and nāda yoga practice.
The japa māla: different types and how to utilize it properly.
Mudrā practices to accompany your mantra recitation.
Core philosophical and theoretical principles of mantra and nāda yoga:
The six rule-principles of mantra recitation.
The four levels of sound and their application to mantra and listening meditation.
The core understanding of what yoga is and how mantra and nāda come into the picture.
What's included?
All the live teachings with Víctor Sakshin and guest teacher Tara Indra.
A physical booklet with the core concepts, sheets and all the mantras (properly transcribed and translated) covered in the training.
Audio recordings of all the mantras covered in the training.
Accommodation, as well as full board meals and beverages.
The foundation for a life-long journey
This training works as a stand alone course for those who wish to become proper mantra and nāda yoga practitioners. Furthermore, it will lay the foundations that will allow you to access more advanced trainings in due time:
Foundation (the initiation)
Become a genuine Mantra and Nāda Yoga Practitioner
Deepening (the confirmation)
Become an advanced Mantra and Nāda Yoga Practitioner
Proficiency (the call to serve)
Become an apt Mantra and Nāda Yoga Facilitator and Teacher
The power of retreat and community
During the training we will be living together in a retreat format. This gives you the opportunity to experience a full, undistracted immersion into the field of practice and the natural and healing atmosphere of Akasha Retreat Center. Furthermore, the co-living offers a unique opportunity to be together in community, thus creating potential bonds of friendship and alliances. As we say in the yogic tradition, we will develop satsanga: being together in the face of truth, and empowering each other’s awakening through our shared presence.
For whom?
This retreat is suitable for any person interested in meditation, sound and inner growth, regardless of your previous background.
If you are new to this path, it will be a very good way to initiate a profound journey and receive all the necessary tools for it.
If you are an experienced music, soundhealing or yoga practitioner, it can bring intense insight and breakthroughs in your already existing path, along with lots of extra depth into the practice.
*In short: this retreat is for anyone who feels the call to connect with inner peace and silence through the way of mantra and sound as a whole.
You may ask: “Do I need to be a singer or a musician to engage?”
And the answer is: “If you can breathe, you can sing. If you can hear, you can listen.”
Language: English
Teacher: Victor Sakshin
Guest Teacher and therapist: Tara Indra

Practical information
Dates: 10th till 14th of April 2024
Time: Arrival on the 10th at 15h, first session at 16h
the retreat ends on the 14th at 15h after lunch -
Prices (including all organic meals and accommodation):
Camping or camper van: € 675pp
Dormitory: €775pp
White (triple) room: €825pp
Inspiration Room (private): €875pp
Inspiration Room (2 persons): €825pp
Cocoon room (private): €975pp
Cocoon room (2 persons): €925pp
Other practical info will be communicated through e-mail after subscription
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