Fasciatherapy (method Danis Bois)
"Fascia" is Latin for connective tissue. As the name suggests, this tissue provides a connection between all the structures in your body. Think of it as a three-dimensional cobweb, and it forms the basis for your body. Fascia is very sensitive to stress, both physical or emotional.
Fasciatherapy works with gentle, but profound manual techniques at the tensions that arise in this connective tissue. The effect is deeply relaxing, healing and pain relieving. It's an innovative treatment for pain and impaired movement-related disorders of a physical and/or psychological nature. It bridges the gap between a purely physical and a purely psychological approach to complaints.
Next to the manual therapy, fasciatherapy offers the option to work on individual movement therapy. I guide you in slow and global movements in order to improve your movement pattern step by step. In this way, you (re-)learn your body both at rest and in movement. You experience the impact of your movements on your body, behavior and emotions. And vice versa: how your body, behavior and emotions influence your movements. In this way, the treatment not only affects your body, but also you as a person. The beauty of this process is that you learn how to deal with the language of your body (better) and that I will become redundant as a therapist on the long term.
In a nutshell, fasciatherapy is healing and educating for body, mind and soul. It breaks new ground in the therapeutic and pedagogical field and offers efficient solutions.
More information about Rianne's practice (in Dutch): www.wiseasthebody.com
More information about fasciatherapie (methode Danis Bois): www.fascia.be
Practical information
€60 for 1 hour
€90 for 1,5 hours
If you like to make an appointment, please fill in the form on the left
Tea and water is provided